4 Ways Xactimate Benefits Water Restoration Business

Let our account specialists deal with the adjuster.

Let our account specialists deal with the adjuster.

  • A proven system with prompt payment.
  • Actually get paid for completed jobs.
  • Track your payment & Increase cash flow.

Xactimate Invoicing

Get paid like the big guys, with respect.

Claims Negotiations
& Payment Tracking

It’s like having your own AR department, without the payroll expense.

A flooded home is a mess. The water infiltrated deep into the structure, wreaking havoc on the house, which now demands immediate, quick action. In Dallas, TX, homeowners desire an expedited process, yet the approval method isn't always that straightforward. Restoration companies have a lot on their plates to make that happen, concentrating on both the business and construction end. Programs like Xactimate aim to ease that stress, streamlining the billing and claims process. The following are four ways it could prove useful to restoration management services.

1. Accurate Invoices

Billing can take time if something doesn't quite align with the insurance adjuster's information. When the language and codes are put together, insurers are more likely to see fewer issues and grant approval to move forward.

2. Reduce Paper Load

Xactimate is an electronic source that houses everything in one spot, eliminating the headache of having photos, invoices, and data in separate files and locations. Don't hunt things down or fill in more than is required.

3. Swift Delivery

Delaying water damage remediation could lead to further cleanup and repair. It also drags out projects, frustrating homeowners, and clogging work schedules. An electronic system sends information right away, decreasing delays. Project managers have the opportunity to increase workload with enhanced efficiency.

4. Integrates Insurance Data for You

Flood estimates are a complex process, demanding a thorough understanding of policy intricacies. Deductibles, coverage limits, and NFIP guidelines must be considered.

When juggling multiple jobs, this can become overwhelming. Using an external claim service simplifies matters, permitting managers to rely on an up-to-date system that applies insurance information into the invoice and claim directly.

Xactimate is the ability to bring things together in one place, eliminating the hunt for answers and the mountain of paper. More attention is directed toward the customers and the task at hand with less desk work, getting homes back to normal in less time and with fewer complications.

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