Medical Grade Billing

Let our account specialists deal with the adjuster.

Let our account specialists deal with the adjuster.

  • A proven system with prompt payment.
  • Actually get paid for completed jobs.
  • Track your payment & Increase cash flow.

Xactimate Invoicing

Get paid like the big guys, with respect.

Claims Negotiations
& Payment Tracking

It’s like having your own AR department, without the payroll expense.

When you think of medical grade, you think of a sterile environment, everything taken care of down to even the most minute details. So you might be asking, how does medical grade play into billing for my restoration company?

Medical grade billing is a term created by our founder, Gil, to truly explain the precision of the NCN billing process. Between our custom scope sheets and line item process, the NCN method is sure to help you organize everything with precision and guarantee you are getting paid for the work provided. Medical grade billing ensures both the customer is taken care of as well as ensuring maximum profit for your operation.

Net Claims Now offers medical grade billing no matter the size of your operation. Let us help you increase your revenue in 2020. Become NCN certified today by calling 407-502-4886!

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